A public art project for which I was selected back in 2018 is finally moving forward and I’m thrilled to be working on it. The project is woven into a major streetscape rehabilitation in downtown Athens, GA. A recent story in the local newspaper explains (unfortunately with a dated rendering from 2018 that has since evolved): https://www.onlineathens.com/story/news/2021/02/12/art-punctuate-new-look-clayton-street-downtown-athens/6723474002/
Austin Design Week 2018
Excited to be participating on this stellar panel discussion for Austin Design Week, organized by the Open Architecture collaborative, AIA Design Voice and TRIO development.
Something I wrote about Tactical Urbanism for the Houston Chronicle
Creek Show was fun!
Creek Show opens in 1 week!
The public opening for this year's Creek Show on Austin's Waller Creek is next friday night. Come check out the installation that Eric has been working on with cohorts from Asakura Robinson:
Austin Design Week is next week!
Check out the workshop Eric is co-leading with other planners and designers from Asakura Robinson on Tuesday morning, November 7, related to Tactical Urbanism. If you're in Austin, you can join for free! And you'll get a copy of the 1st Edition of the Asakura Robinson Tactical Urbanism Manual!
Nice interview on the Austin Design Week blog
Eric was recently interviewed with his Asakura Robinson colleague Meghan Skornia for the Austin Design Week blog
Open Engagement 2017
I was in Chicago this weekend participating in the 10th edition of Open Engagement, the largest artist-led conference in the U.S. It was great! I organized a panel presentation/discussion around the need for greater involvement of artists within urban planning initiatives, especially initiatives related to cultural policy and place-making. I was grateful to be joined by some good friends and seasoned experts on the subject.
Here’s the brief from the conference catalog:
What’s the Plan? Artists, Planners and New Models for Civic Decision-Making
Eric Leshinsky, Lynn Osgood, Henry G. Sanchez, Carrie Schneider, Ben Stone
This panel will explore the potential for a more inclusive approach to civic decision-making as it relates to artists and cultural policies. Working as artists, planners, and organizers, the panelists bring diverse perspectives to the topic formed from years of working on efforts to better integrate artists into the political frameworks that guide many of the decisions for how cities leverage the arts, allocate resources for the arts and otherwise attempt to shape the cultural landscape.